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U Mobile's "booKu" Enables Avid Readers To Buy E-books And E-magazines Via Mobile Plans

KUALA LUMPUR, 28 February 2017 – U Mobile Sdn Bhd has partnered with four popular regional and local digital publishers - SPH Magazines, Pubu eBook, FullAMark and NovelPlus - to launch booKu.

The first-of-its kind service in Malaysia, booKu enables U Mobile subscribers to purchase e-books and e-magazines from noted publishers, such as SPH Magazines, Pubu eBook, FullAMark and NovelPlus even if they do not own a credit card. U Mobile’s prepaid subscribers will have their e-book and e-magazine purchases deducted from their mobile credit, while post-paid subscribers will be charged through their monthly bills.


booKu Mechanics:


  1. Go to App Store or Google Play Store and search for booKu partners’ apps - SPH Magazines, Pubu eBook, FullAMark and NovelPlus.
  2. Download your preferred digital publishers’ apps.
  3. Once the app has been downloaded, connect to U Mobile network (3G/4G) to sign up for the service.
  4. A code will be sent to you via SMS or email. Key this in as you complete the subscriber sign-up process.
  5. Browse available titles on the app and select your favourite reads. First timers will get to enjoy exclusive promotions for a limited period of time. Visit http://u.com.my/booKu to find out more.
  6. You are now ready to purchase e-books by using your U Mobile prepaid credit or have your purchases charged to your monthly bill.


*Sign up processes by the various publishers may differ from one another.



Enjoy booKu Today!


To celebrate the launch of booKu, U Mobile will be offering RM20,000 worth of e-book vouchers to be given out this year. For the first phase of this campaign, contestants will stand a chance to win up to RM8,000 worth of e-book vouchers while one grand prize winner will get to win brand new iPhone 7s when they participate in U Mobile’s booKu’s contests. To find out more about these contests, visit http://u.com.my/booKu

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