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Thank You For Your Payment

Your Payment Is Still Pending

Payment Unsuccessful

Please check your balance, if it is not updated please call our customer services at +6018 388 1318 for assistance. Payment notifications will be sent to your mobile number and email.

Your Postpaid bill payment is being processed. Once the payment is completed, you will receive a confirmation via SMS and email.

Your transaction was unsuccessful. Please try again. If you encounter the same error, check your card status with the bank provider or call our customer services at +6018 388 1318 for assistance.

Postpaid Bill Payment

Payment Status
{{ status.statusMessage}}
Date & Time
{{ paymentDetail.transactionDateTime ? paymentDetail.transactionDateTime : '-' }}
Order Number
{{ paymentDetail.orderNumber ? paymentDetail.orderNumber : '-' }}
Transaction ID
{{ paymentDetail.transactionID }}
Payment Description
{{ paymentDetail.paymentDescription ? paymentDetail.paymentDescription : '-' }}
Account Number
{{ paymentDetail.accountNo ? paymentDetail.accountNo : '-' }}
Mobile Number
{{ paymentDetail.mobileNumber ? paymentDetail.mobileNumber : '-' }}
{{ paymentDetail.email ? paymentDetail.email : '-' }}
Mobile Number for Payment Notification
{{ paymentDetail.paymentNotificationMobileNo ? paymentDetail.paymentNotificationMobileNo : paymentDetail.paymentNotification ? paymentDetail.mobileNumber : '-' }}
Payment Amount
RM {{ paymentDetail.paymentAmount ? paymentDetail.paymentAmount : '-' }}
Payment Method
{{ paymentDetail.paymentMethod ? paymentDetail.paymentMethod : '-' }}
{{ paymentDetail.bank }}
Card Type
{{ paymentDetail.cardType }}

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{ "siteTheme": "theme-business" }

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