Pay Nothing for 6 Months
Own an iPhone 13 or iPhone 14 and pay NOTHING for the first 6 months. Get FREE global roaming & 1,000GB of high-speed 5G data on your new device. Learn more here.
We are in the midst of upgrading our systems to serve U better and we are progressively upgrading customers to the new system. Here are some samples of what your new Business Postpaid bill statement may look like. Please note that there will be no impact or changes to the services that you are currently enjoying.
For Corporate Individual Account, you can download and view your bills for the past 6 months via MyUMobile App.
For Corporate Company Account, only official Person in Charge will be able to view the bill via the MyUMobile App.
You can make payments using the following channels:
For Corporate Individual Account:
For Corporate Company Account, you can make payment via Online transfer and Online banking.
To prevent and ensure you do not fall prey to online phishing and scam attacks, please be informed that the official sender address of U Mobile for e-bill is bill@u.com.my or ebill@u.com.my
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