iPhone 16
Unbeatable savings & flexibility with your iPhone 16 via the all-new U Postpaid plans. Enjoy 0% instalment with U PayLater. Sign up today!
You can sign up from 15th March 2024 onwards.
• Enjoy savings when you sign up for iPhone 13 (128GB, 256GB), iPhone 14 (128GB, 256GB), iPhone 15 Pro Max (256GB and 512GB), iPhone 15 Pro (128GB, 256GB and 512GB), iPhone 15 Plus (128GB, 256GB and 512GB) or iPhone 15 (128GB, 256GB and 512GB)
• You will receive waivers the first 6 times of your device instalment fee.
The instalment fee waiver will be reflected in your monthly bill.
• The postpaid plan available are U Postpaid 98, U Postpaid 68.
• On U PayLater, 36months contract only.
U can also get in touch with us from any of the following channels.
Enjoy a better, faster and safer experience today!
Drop us your message on Messenger.
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