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This is the unpaid amount from your previous month’s bill(s). You must pay exact amount as shown in bill statement immediately to avoid service interruption.
It covers your monthly access fee and usage charges such as voice, roaming, value-added services, etc. You have to pay before the due date to avoid service interruption.
'Access Fee' is a monthly subscription fee paid for usage incurred from the previous month and is a recurring charge. An 'Advanced Access Fee' is a one-time fee that is charged in your first monthly bill and will be offset in your last monthly bill payment, should you decide to terminate your mobile service.
Stamp duty is a tax that is chargeable on legal documents.
Sales and Service Tax is a tax charged on taxable services provided to any taxable person in Malaysia, in the course and furtherance of business.
Your mobile service may be suspended due to non-payment or if you make a request to suspend your mobile service. In these cases, a reactivation fee will be charged when you request to resume your mobile service.
The rebate will be displayed as a negative amount in your bill and will be offset from your total outstanding amount for that month.
Payments made via real time channels are updated in U Mobile’s system within an hour. Payments made via non-real time channels are sent to U Mobile the next working day.
Real-time channels – U Mobile Service Centre, MyUMobile App, 7-Eleven stores, Maybank2U and JomPay.
Non-real time channels – online banking, CIMB Clicks, RHB Online, POS Malaysia Online Payment, auto-debit, ATM and over-the-counter payment services such as POS Malaysia, e-Pay, Mobility One (M1) and cheque payment via postal mail.
Boosters and freebies are assigned to a particular plan. Thus, they will be forfeited if you change to a different plan.
The physical bill fee is charged in arrears. Charges below applied for physical bill request:
Non-itemised bill: RM5
Itemised bill: RM10
You will still be required to pay for the last physical bill sent to you, even after changing to the e-billing service.
Itemised billing gives you the detailed listing of your call charges and services in your monthly bill. The monthly service fee for an itemised bill is RM10 per line.
A physical paper bill or summarised billing will display the summary of your charges without detailed listing on your call charges or services in your monthly bill. The monthly bill for this service is RM5.
You may pay using
You can make payment using any of the following channels:
You may view or download your bill statement via the following channels:
Prorated monthly access fee for both new & old plans will be charged
Early Termination Penalty is a charge that customer must pay if you terminate a device contract before its expiry.
To prevent and ensure you do not fall prey to online phishing and scam attacks, please be informed that the official sender address of U Mobile for e-bill is bill@u.com.my or ebill@u.com.my
No. You can still continue enjoying our services without any disruption.
Yes. Your payment due date will take effect upon issuance of your bill. Example: If your usual bill issue date is on the 1st day of the month and it was delayed by 5 days, your payment due date will be adjusted accordingly by 5 days too.
Payment due date is displayed in the bill under "Due Date” column. If you have any overdue amount from previous month(s), the due date will display "Immediately". This is to avoid any interruption to the service due to unfulfilled payment of overdue bill.
You can download and view your bills for the past 6 months via MyUMobile App.
You can view your usage by retrieving your monthly Prepaid Bill Statement from MyUMobile App at the beginning of each month.
No, Prepaid Bill Statement is free for all prepaid customers.
You may be unable to use the CreditShare service whenever a system upgrade is taking place and you will be notified if this happens.
If you require further assistance, you can get in touch with us via the following channels.
MyUMobile App
Reach out to us through the MyUMobile App.
Drop us your message on Messenger.
Have questions? Feel free to DM us!
MyUMobile App
Reach out to us through the MyUMobile App.
Drop us your message on Messenger.
Have questions? Feel free to DM us!